Combat System Overhaul
· Three Unit Types:
· Basic Unit : Average
· Tank Unit : Morphed from two basic units (i.e. combine two basic units).
· Damage Unit : Morphed from three basic units (i.e. combine three basic units).
The idea is to balance your troops to form the ideal defensive or offensive team based on a single unit for simplicity (that way spawning units is simpler).
· No rallying point outside of your base. That way you have to direct your troops for the most efficiency. Since their is a limit to how many you can have on your base territory, this encourages deployment rather than turtling.
· King of the Hill Capture System:
· Units don’t battle directly, but merely combat by trying to obtain control of the area through a slider system. The more units the player has, the quicker the slider will shift in the player’s favor. Once the slider has fully reached one side or the other, the losing side is obliterated whilst the winning side takes damage according to how long it took to usurp control. The winning side then takes control of the territory if it wasn’t already under their control.
· Units battling against a territory controlled by the enemy take slight radioactive damage due to controlling side’s influence.
· Possibility: Units aren’t destroyed in real-time (except for radiation damage), but rather damage is calculated based on the time it took for the winning side to conquer. Then it is subtracted, as a flat value, from the winning side (distributed to tank units first). If the value exceeds the current unit’s health, it will perish and will move onto the next unit in queue until all the damage has been distributed. It’s simple to program and prevents the winning side from total invincibility if they just stock up in one area.
Feel free to leave comments. It is fully possible I missed something in here from the meeting, so speak up if I did.