Monday, September 19, 2011

Brain Chemistry and Insanity.
Short term drugs lead to long term illness, maybe used as a balancing mechanic?
Inflammation could alter brain zones and cause interesting effects.
Loss of grey matter, could be used for changing zones, late in the insane game.
Sleep Deprivation has some dramatic effects, but I don't have any direct ideas about game mechanics from these.

Still need small interactions for unit combat, but for now researching more for any ideas that could be incorporated into the game.

Here is a Brain lobe and function chart:


  1. Good work Hayden. I already will have some ideas for class based on this. We are still debating on what will happen once you control a certain lobe. I think were leaning toward resources, but I feel like there is so much potential for abilities or powerups based on where you are in the brain. It would have to be balanced for both teams though.

  2. No doubt, all the rapid changes seem to follow the insanity side! Makes it hard for the sanity troops.

  3. I love it. Maybe some lobes offer abilities or power ups, while others just cause turmoil to the brain and thus cause affects to the environment. Maybe if the hipocampus is conquered, the damage to it causes the short to memory to have issues, so fallen soldiers come back from the dead, for example? :)
