Thursday, September 15, 2011

Insanity Begins!


Skype meeting Sunday at Noon.

- Global effects like brainstorm
- Warcraft 3 mod for rapid prototyping.


-Blake: Unity world building
-Sky: Brainstorm unit ideas, maybe sketches
-Hayden: Combat design/brain inter-workings/screenshots
-Jack: sketches for unit design and/or environmental design
-Max: Unity analyses and prototyping assistance
-James: Unity world building
-Brendan: Warcraft 3 mod
-Adam: Play around with Unity

Team Name Ideas!!!Go!

- Insanity
- Evolving RTS


  1. Brain Drain
    Asylum Studios
    Crazy Cake
    Brainstorm (Sort of how Blizzard is named Blizzard and has spells in their games called Blizzard ;)
    Madhouse Entertainment

    My fav is Brainstorm, I can already picture a cool logo.

  2. Asylum Studios kind of has a ring to it. Hrm...what about, "Insanity Industries." That way it has the almighty boon of alliteration!

  3. How is the mod coming along? Do you need any help with it?

  4. I'm starting the mod today. I had no time yesterday. But I have some good ideas. I'll probably need input and/or help; I'll let you know when I get there.

  5. I will start with a few unit designs today, are we agreeing on the current unit roster so far (sanity/insanity)?

    Basic: Smiley/Alien smiley
    Defender: TV with documentary/Black pudding
    Scout/Capture: Baby animals/Can of spam (?)
    Artillery: Pill launcher/Clown cannon

  6. I fee like some of the units could use a look over. If you want to find a few more samples that would be good. I will look over a few more ideas too.

  7. I believe I found a way to link up Unity with Visual Studio. Check out this link here:

  8. Are we going to go with something more cartoonish with cel shading or something more realistic?

  9. I would prefer something more cartoon-style with cell shading, for comedic effects and consistency.
