Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Final Decision On Hero Or Unit Based

Please comment your on ideas: Is our side scroller Hero-based with uncontrollable units or no hero, but controllable units?


  1. Having a controlled "hero" unit can reduce the amount of micromanagement required, and also makes it easier to select the "perks" that come with the unit.

  2. I like the idea of having a hero for the reasons listed above, and also because it makes it easier to add in randomized objective points with additional bonuses: the hero could be the unit used to take control of those areas. Our "Big Kids" heroes would add manageable complexity to the mix and cause the players to be strategic in their decision-making.

  3. I also like having a hero controlled unit because it helps the player feel more emotionally involved by having their own character. Players could customize abilities or have points to spend pregame to make that character their own.

  4. I'm siding with a hero unit for this one. Simple gameplay and customization are always a plus!
